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INCAP held the LIV Meeting of its Advisory Council


INCAP November 26, 2021

This morning the LIV meeting of the INCAP Consultative Council was held at INCAP headquarters in Guatemala City.

Two meetings of the INCAP Advisory Council are held annually. Today's, second meeting of the year, was attended in person by the technical vice minister of Health of Guatemala, Licda. Leslie Lorena Samayoa Jerez, who gave the opening remarks as president pro tempore of the Consultative Council of INCAP.

Also participating in person were Dr. Arlando Brínguez Aragón, technical advisor to the Vice Ministry of Public Health of Guatemala; Lic. José Renán De León, secretary ex officio and director of INCAP; Dr. Leopoldo Espinoza, coordinator of the Planning Unit of INCAP; Lic. Amilcar Beltetón, administrator of INCAP; Licda. Celina Calvimontes, coordinator of INCAP Technical Cooperation in Guatemala.

The virtual participation of Dr. Alejandra Acuña, executive secretary of COMISCA; Dr. Nery Cerrato undersecretary of projects and investment of the Ministry of Health of Honduras; Dr. Enrique Javier Beteta, Vice Minister of Health of Nicaragua; Licda. Ana María Lima, technical collaborator of the Vice Ministry of Management and Development of the Ministry of Health of El Salvador, as well as the coordinators of INCAP technical cooperation in the countries of the region: Licda. Anielka Cajina, Nicaragua; Dr. Anabel Maciel, Belize; Dra. Karina Cruz, Honduras; Licda. Ninette López Bravo, Dominican Republic; Ing. Gerardo Merino, El Salvador; Licda. Ana Atencio, Panama.

The agenda addressed various topics of interest for the Institute's work in 2022, concluding with the deliberation of the Advisory Council and the signing of the Meeting Report.


About the INCAP Advisory Council

The purpose of the Consultative Council of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama -INCAP- is to constitute a technical-advisory body to the Directing Council of INCAP, which in a regulated manner supports the orientation and fulfillment of the resolutions taken on the work of the Institute and that systematically monitor and evaluate its technical cooperation programs in compliance with the functions of human resource training, research, technical and communication assistance, and technical scientific information.

The Consultative Council of INCAP is made up of the Directors General of Health of the Member States.

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