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About INCAP/What do we do

Basic Functions:

Direct Technical Assistance

To Strengthen the operational capacity of national institutions, using new methodological approaches and assessment to promote the application and transfer of technology, food education at the community level, and at the same time, to develop models to assess the products and impact of such cooperation.

Training and development of Human Resources

Training and development of human resources to identify needs, develop programs and support processes of formation and training of human resources in food and nutrition, in the Member States.

Applied Research

To conduct research at all levels, with emphasis on operational research to find solutions to the priority problems, promoting relations through networks of scientific and technical cooperation, to establish or strengthen the research capacity of the Member States through the implementation of training activities in universities and research centers.

Information and Communication

To systematize, organize, disseminate and transmit scientific and technical information in health, food and nutrition to different levels and sectors of the Member States and the international community, to support decision-making and strengthening the documentation centers, as well as the processes of planning, implementation and evaluation of actions in food and nutrition at the national and sub regional levels.

Mobilization of financial and non financial resources

To promote the necessary actions aimed at the collection and management of financial, technological, human and institutional resources, to ensure a diversified and permanent source of income promoting the sale and marketing of services, and transfer of technologies in food and nutrition.

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