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Food and Nutrition Security Training Center (CAIS)

At the XIV summit of presidents, they proposed the initiative to promote Food and Nutritional Security, which has guided the food-nutritional activities of the region and with the experience of more than 60 years of work, which is why INCAP makes available of the member countries the Center for Training in Food and Nutritional Security (CAIS).
This INCAP training center works with quality and continuous improvement in the member countries; disseminating the application of appropriate technologies such as the generation, collection, adaptation and transfer of Ecotechnologies, agricultural production, research and training, to strengthen the key actors in charge of implementing Food and Nutritional Security.


Resources available to the Training Center:

The CAIS has 46 blocks of land, pine forest, in a temperate climate, demonstration areas of Ecotechnologies, export crops outdoors and in greenhouses, educational facilities, eco-hospitality (shelter) and also has a team of professionals in the field. of Nutrition, Health, agronomy, business development, rural development and Ecotechnologies of recognized experiences in charge of the transmission of knowledge.

The Training Center offers the following services, diplomas, technical assistance, conferences, internships, short training courses on topics such as Agriculture in general, nutrition, health, agro-business development, rural development and Ecotechnologies.

The users that the Training Center plans to reach are made up of technicians, teachers, students, leaders and promoters of governmental and non-governmental organizations and it is projected towards the communities with actions in schools, municipalities and organized groups.

Currently, the CAIS has been strengthened with inter-institutional work agreements with Cooperativa Unión de Cuatro Pinos, Agexport, Alimentos S, A.



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