Welcome to our new online payment service!!
¿What is it? The online payment of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) is a service that allows payment of any service provided by the Institute, such as diploma courses or courses offered through the virtual classroom, purchase of bibliographic material, etc., without the need to carry out a physical transaction, but through your VISA credit card.
¿How does it work? The payment is made directly in the VISANET portal called "Virtual Mall", where by completing a series of data you will be able to quickly and safely make your payment online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
¿How to make your payments?
1.Contact the official responsible for the service you are going to acquire at INCAP and complete the form that will be provided with all the requested information. 2. Click on the following online payment logo

a. Make your payment b. Print your payment receipt or save it in digital format. This can be done by taking a screenshot (CTRL Keys + Print Screen) and pasting the image into an image management program such as PAINT. Save the image in JPG/GIF format.
3. Send your form and your digitized payment receipt to the email addresses that were indicated in the payment instructions message.
We appreciate the use of our services!!
IMPORTANT Return and Refund Policies There is no refund or return policy for canceled payments for any type of service. In the case of paying for any virtual classroom services, diploma or courses, there is a limited number of participants and by granting you the opportunity, someone else was denied. We greatly appreciate your understanding.