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Programa subvención VIH


Intensification of HIV prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive care, among vulnerable populations in municipalities prioritized for high disease burden

financed with resources from the Global Fund


Subvención VIH Background

The Global Fund (GF) was created to finance substantial changes in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), is responsible for developing and submitting proposals to be approved in its different instances to the Global Fund, as well as appointing organizations or institutions to carry out the implementation of the Grant(s) proposals in quality of main receivers (RP).

In September 2017, the Institute of Nutrition for Central America and Panama (INCAP), presented the proposal to apply for Principal Recipient (PR) of the HIV Grant. After the capacity assessment and the vote in the CCM assembly, INCAP was chosen as the new PR for the HIV Grant for the 2019-2020 period.

In September 2018, the Global Fund signed an agreement with the main recipient INCAP for the implementation of the HIV grant.




INCAP Principal Recipient Background

The INCAP Institution of the Central American Integration System -SICA-, is a center specialized in food and nutrition.

It was founded on September 14, 1949, and its headquarters are in Guatemala City and representative offices in each of its Member States: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic.

The Ministers of Health of the eight Member States and the Director of the Pan American Health Organization -PAHO- constitute the Board of Directors of INCAP, which is the highest governing body of the Institute. It establishes the institutional policy guidelines and the technical and administrative orientations of the Institution.

INCAP's mission is to support the efforts of the Member States, providing technical cooperation to achieve and maintain the nutritional food security of their populations, through its basic functions of Research, Information and Communication, Technical Assistance, Training and Development of Human Resources and Mobilization of Financial and Non-Financial Resources in support of its mission.

INCAP has been characterized by maintaining actions that are developed under the values ​​of integrationist spirit, ethics and transparency, equity, solidarity, effectiveness.

INCAP, as Principal Recipient in the implementation of HIV subsidy actions, in order to strengthen the national response to the HIV epidemic, will develop interventions in the following prioritized areas:


    1. Comprehensive prevention programs
    2. Comprehensive care programs
    3. Programs to reduce human rights-related barriers to accessing HIV services
    4. Programs to build resilient and sustainable health systems

Serving the following key populations:

    • Men who have sex with men -MSM-,
    • Transgender women -TRANS-,
    • Women sex workers -MTS- and their clients,
    • people deprived of liberty in penitentiary centers and other places of confinement -PPL- and people
    • iving with HIV -PV-



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