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About Incap/ Director Office

Director Office

INCAP's Management is headed by a Director appointed by Directive Council, elected in accordance with the procedures approved by this Board.

The Director of INCAP is responsible for the development of the Institute's activities, according to the rules, regulations, programmatic and administrative guidelines approved by its Directive Council and as established by the Basic Agreement.

The functions of the Director of INCAP are:

  1. Manage the Institute according to its mission, functions, policies, plans, programs and projects determined and approved by the Board of Directors of INCAP.
  2. Appoint the technical, scientific, and administrative personnel, in accordance with the provisions in force, and supervise their optimal operation and development to comply with INCAP's work plan.
  3. Convene the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council and act as Ex-Officio Secretary in them.
  4. Prepare INCAP's biannual program and budget proposal for the consideration and review of the Members of the Directing Council, at least one month in advance of the regular meeting of the Directing Council.
  5. Present at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors the annual report of activities and the financial statements of the previous year and the plans, programs, projects and budget for the short, medium and long term. The Director will render additional reports whenever requested by any of the Members in good standing or when he deems it necessary.
  6. Submit to the consideration of the Board of Directors the statutes, rules and regulations that are necessary for the organization and administration of the Institute.
  7. Comply and enforce, within the scope of its competence, this Basic Agreement and the statutes, rules and regulations.
  8. Fulfill the functions delegated to it by the Board of Directors, and in general, undertake and carry out as many actions as it deems necessary, in accordance with the Basic Agreement.
  9. Advocate before national, regional and international authorities for the search for solutions in support of the improvement of food and nutritional security.
  10. Establish, maintain and strengthen links of cooperation and mutual understanding with the Central American Institutions and international cooperation organizations.

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