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Guide for the promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD)

Lifestyles have been considered as determining and conditioning factors of an individual's state of health. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion considers healthy lifestyles as important components of intervention to promote health. "Health is created and lived in the framework of daily life, in schools, work and recreation." Health is the result of caring for oneself and others, of the ability to make decisions and control one's life and to ensure that the society in which one lives offers all its members the possibility of enjoying a good state of health.

CNCD and its related risk factors

According to a report by the World Health Organization, WHO, NCDs may increase premature deaths due to heart disease, certain types of cancer and diabetes.

The study details that these deaths will be related to risk factors such as the increase in obesity in people, as well as being overweight.

But what are risk factors?:

They are certain circumstances or conditions that make a person more likely to suffer from a disease. When a person is associated with a greater number of risk factors, the disease will appear faster and its management will be difficult.

NCDs have multiple causes, both external, which can be modifiable, and biological, which are not modifiable.

Inadequate diet:  Excess food or inadequate balance between different foods that can contribute to malnutrition and risks of suffering from NCDs. Bad eating habits are actions acquired through life, for example by family customs.

Sedentary lifestyle: Level of physical activity less than necessary for good health.

Reasons that lead the person to lead a sedentary life:

  • Technological advances that make our daily work easier.
  • Excessive television viewing
  • Excessive use of computers.
  • Lack of time and space to devote to recreation.
  • The lack of security in places of recreation in the community. 

Obesity: A chronic disease of many causes and with numerous complications, it is characterized by excess body fat, usually accompanied by an increase in body weight. This does not distinguish age, sex, ethnic origin, socioeconomic level or geographical location.

The main causes are the following:

  • Greater intake of calories provided by food, than those that the body spends.
  • Excessive consumption of animal fats and vegetable oils and shortenings rich in saturated fats.
  • Less physical activity than the body needs.

Smoking:  Work-related mortality is very high. Risk factor that increases premature mortality rates, a determining factor for the appearance of numerous health disorders.

Alcoholism: It can kill in different ways by chronic and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Protective Factors for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases:

  • Healthy nutrition
  • Activity and physical exercise

If you want to expand your knowledge on this topic, you can consult:


República Dominicana. MSP. OPS. INCAP. Guía práctica para la promoción de estilos de vida saludable y Prevención de las Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles.





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