About INCAP/Governance/Organizational Structure The Institute, in its lines of work, prioritizes the following actions in its different technical areas: Nutrition and micronutrients Chronic diseases related to malnutrition Training and development of human resources in FNS Surveillance, monitoring and evaluation INCAP, as an institution specialized in food and nutrition, has service centers that allow it to provide high-quality technical assistance, including: Learning and Knowledge Exchange Center (CAIS) It is an INCAP training center that disseminates the application of appropriate technologies such as the generation, collection, adaptation and transfer of eco-technologies, agricultural production, research and training, to strengthen the key actors in charge of implementing Food and Nutritional Security. It is located at Km. 41, Carretera a San Raymundo Aldea Pachalí, San Juan Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. INCAP Research Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (CIIPEC) It is responsible for the development of research, training of human resources and technical assistance for the comprehensive strengthening of institutions in the health sector and the academic sector, interested in preventing and controlling chronic non-communicable diseases and their risk factors in the four thematic areas. Comprehensive Analytical Center (CAI) The Comprehensive Analytical Center strengthens the capacities of national laboratories through technical cooperation in support of the work plans of each country, through training, networking, inter-laboratory tests and local visits in nutritional biochemistry, food composition and microbiology. It has the Biochemical Analysis laboratories and the Food Composition and Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratories where studies are carried out on the availability of mineral absorption; thus it also offers the services of the Sensory Analysis Laboratory. Documentation Center and Virtual Library of Food and Nutritional Health and Safety Dr. Nevin Scrimshaw The INCAP Library's main purpose is to support research, teaching and decision-making processes on the subject of Health, Nutrition and Food Safety that are carried out in the Region. It is the repository and preserver of the largest number of documents and research on food and nutrition in the Central American area. Physiology and Body Composition Laboratory (LAFICC) LAFICC's specialized comprehensive service focuses on user satisfaction and includes the following lines of work: development and evaluation of interventions with an emphasis on prevention and control of chronic diseases related to nutrition; strengthening of analytical capacities in the Region; analysis of body composition, physical condition and activity, energy expenditure and intake, clinical chemistry and cardiovascular health; and psychological, child development, and mental health testing. INCAP Educational Portal It is the virtual space that houses the means and resources for the development and implementation of didactic units, courses, diploma courses and academic programs in e-learning mode through the virtual classroom and self-training instruction packages.
Technical Areas
Internal Support Centers