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Sensory Analysis Laboratory

"Dr. Carlos Tejada”

We are a laboratory with more than 50 years of experience in providing food sensory analysis solutions to INCAP research projects, more recently we have extended our attention to the food industry, governmental and non-governmental entities and the Academy.

We work with leadership and commitment to provide services of the highest quality, reliability and constant innovation, adhering to scientific-technical criteria to meet the needs of our customers.

Our expert panelists have been trained following international standards for sensory analysis of foods.


  • Product shelf life studies (coming soon)
  • Discriminative tests
  • Affective tests
  • Packaging evaluation
  • Panelist Training
  • Food sensory analysis laboratory design
  • Training for personnel involved in the development of food products: marketing, quality control, production

What is food sensory analysis for?

Sensory food analysis is used to identify, analyze and interpret the properties or characteristics of a product, using the five senses as measurement tools.

Through this tool you can:

Evaluate existing products

  • Verify that a final product meets original specifications
  • Analyze specific attributes
  • Describe the ideal product

Evaluate the development of new products through:

  • The analysis of pilot samples for improvements
  • Identification of changes in the production processl análisis de muestras piloto para mejoras

Measure consumer response to a product

  • Know the positioning of the product in the market (through surveys)
  • Evaluate differences between similar products
  • Know the opinion of consumers towards the characteristics of the product (packaging, presentation size, price), conducting dynamic focus groups.

Determine the shelf life (this service will be implemented in the medium term)

  • Examine changes during storage
  • Determine the optimal shelf life for the product
  • Evaluate differences between similar products

For more information: INCAP LASA Food Sensory Analysis Laboratory, PBX: (502) 2315-7900, ext. 1116/1171 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



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