Logotipo incap 3

logotipos incap sica 04

Biotherium "Dr. Ricardo Bressani"

The Biotherium “Dr. Ricardo Bressani” is a specialized biological evaluation laboratory where studies are carried out to determine the nutritional quality of food. It has appropriate infrastructure, with professional and technical personnel and a colony of albino rats of the Sprague Dawley strain, special for this type of study.

The more than sixty years of service supporting various research studies, both at the INCAP level, as well as other Central American organizations and companies, demonstrating quality and excellence in each of them, have given it a well-earned leadership in the region.

Among its objectives are:

  • Help improve the level of research in higher education centers and other institutions in relation to agricultural, health, conservation and food processing research programs.
  • Provide advice on the care, maintenance and development of biological laboratories.

Its services are mainly aimed at:

  • Educational institutions
  • Research and development laboratories for new products
  • Food processing companies

Among the studies carried out are:

  • Evaluation of the nutritional quality of proteins
  • Protein digestibility assessment
  • Bioavailability of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)
  • Digestibility of oils and butters
  • Food toxicity, among others.


Contact: Clara Luz de Pereda, MSc.

PBX phone 2315-7900, extension 1116/1171


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