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Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory

The nutritional status of the populations defines their economic future, individual and collective productivity, which results in the social peace of the people. The Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama, INCAP, is part of the technological resources of the institute and contributes to the fulfillment of its basic functions and has contributed to the development of public policies, programs and initiatives for the improvement of the state nutrition of the population of its member countries, among other activities.

Among the activities carried out are the following:

Comprehensive analytical support to nutritional evaluations with emphasis on vitamin A, iodine, ferritin, acute phase proteins, folic acid, among other measurements.

Iodine Reference Laboratory, forming part of the International Network of Laboratories for the Analysis of Iodine- The IRLI Network- for its acronym in English.

Consulting and technical assistance in the collection, processing, transportation, storage and analysis of biological samples for nutritional evaluations.

Food Fortification Programs technical assistance in the development, maintenance and sustainability of Program Quality Assurance Systems. Supporting their control, monitoring and evaluation.

Research activities and development of analytical methodologies, following the validation requirements.

Training and education of human resources pthrough personalized or group courses with support in the development and implementation of analytical methodologies, plans and programs.


Competent team

The specialized professional and technical staff has the necessary training and experience to provide specialized technical-analytical-comprehensive assistance to meet the needs of users.

INCAP has a long history of achievements, characterized by its impartiality, operational integrity and protection of the information received and generated.

For more information contact: Carolina Martínez, Coordinator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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