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Food Composition Laboratory

It is the area of ​​the Nutrition and Micronutrients Unit that generates and manages knowledge in its field; providing assistance and technical cooperation, analytical assistance through its specialized laboratory, training and development of human resources, research, communication, dissemination and transfer of technology and collaboration to the Coordination of the Regional Network of Nutritional and Food Biochemistry Laboratories.

INCAP Food Composition, has developed several core competencies related to its area of ​​work in the areas of:

  • Healthy Food and Nutrition: deficiencies and excesses of macro and micronutrients, food fortification, supplementation, foods for special diets, among others.
  • Policies, Programs and Projects in Food and Nutrition.
  • Protection and education of the final consumer  of food and support for the entry and sustainability of small and medium-sized companies to new markets where fair and equitable trade practices exist.
  • Quality Management Systems.


All the services offered by this area are achieved through the integration of the different experiences throughout more than 60 years of its existence, standing out for its:

  • Specialization, in response to the needs of its users through personalized attention.
  • Confianza, since all its processes are executed based on international standards, under the responsibility of competent and expert personnel.
  • Confidentiality, cwith the operational and technical integrity that allows it to guarantee the protection of the information received and generated.


For more information, contact: Mónica Guamuch, Coordinator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




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