Logotipo incap 3

logotipos incap sica 04

Contributing to Food and Nutrition Security of the population of Central America and the Dominican Republic


"Legumes and the potential in a seed", the book of the legumes of Central America and the Dominican Republic

      Legumes have been part of the human diet for centuries. Of these, the common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) has been very important in the daily diet of all Central Americans and the Dominican Republic, forming part of the basic grains for the region. Like corn, its consumption is very popular and...

Experiences and Lessons Learned in Developing and Implementing a Population-Based Nutrition and Health Surveillance System in Guatemala 2011–2021

    In response to the 2014 Global Nutrition Report call for a nutrition data revolution, global, regional, and national efforts have focused on addressing data gaps and barriers to strengthen the nutrition datavalue chain. The 2018 Global Nutrition Report specifically highlighted the lack of data on the...

Assessment of the degree of implementation of nutritional policies, programs and interventions during the window of opportunity of the first 1000 days of life

      INCAP recognizes the need to generate evidence on the degree of implementation of nutritional policies, programs and interventions and the enabling environment within the framework of the window of opportunity of the first 1000 days of life. For this purpose, it developed and validated a metric that...



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