To be a leading institutional group in the generation, use and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge, as well as to favor the training of human resources in research on issues related to food and nutritional security and health in the SICA countries.
The INCAP Research Committee has an institutional scope, safeguarding the scientific-technical heritage generated from research projects, promoting the dissemination of evidence and the development of capacities at the institutional level.
- Promote and facilitate the generation and implementation of new research proposals, according to the lines of work of the Institute and priorities in the fields of public health, and food and nutritional security.
- Review with external counterparts through cooperation agreements or contracting services, the use of information, institutional authorship and publication generated.
- Promote the dissemination of research to promote the use and transfer of technologies applied to food and nutritional security.
- Support member countries, through academia and science and technology systems, in improving the development of research projects.
- Identify funding sources and mechanisms to respond to research challenges, as well as human resource training in relevant methodologies and technologies for the region.
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of the investigative processes, which allow feedback to improve the supply of scientific products and technologies offered by the Institute.