


The purpose of this site, set up as an information system is to contribute the surveillance of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) of INCAP member countries. Information and data on determinants and status of FNS, obtained from official sources, are presented in an integrative tool, dynamic and continuously updated.

The system information for the surveillance, monitoring and evaluating the food nutrition security has the following components:

1. SIG-SAN. It is the geographical information system for FNS which presents information in its geo-spatial dimension at different levels of disaggregation from the regional dimension to most local political-administrative units as well as municipalities or districts for the use of the decision making different levels in a dynamic interface.

2.  Specialized Documents.  In this section you will find reports of studies, surveys and censuses, related methods and techniques one surveillance activities.

3. Forum. It is an open forum for users of the system in order to exchange knowledge, opinions, suggestions and discussions on different thematic areas of surveillance.




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