Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL)

Participating institutions name and acronyms

Drexel University, Filadelfia, Pennsylvania, EEUU

Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá (INCAP), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Perú

Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), Ciudad de México, México

Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Salvador Bahía, Brasil

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Universidad de las Naciones Unidas, Instituto International para la Salud Mundial (UNU-IIGH)

Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Universidad de California en Berkeley, EEUU

Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Universidad de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil

CIIPEC Researchers

Fernanda Kroker Lobos, Co-Principal Investigator

Manuel Ramírez Zea, Co-Investigator

Mónica Mazariegos, Coordinator and Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Analí Morales, Data Analyst


Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL), Urban Health in Latin America, is a five-year project launched in April 2017. The Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health and partners throughout Latin America and in the United States are working together to study how urban environments and urban policies impact the health of Latin American cities. Their findings will inform policies and interventions to create healthier, more equitable, and more sustainable cities worldwide. SALURBAL is funded by the Wellcome Trust as part of its Our Planet, Our Health initiative, which focuses on research examining the connections between the environment and human health.

For more information, please visit:

General objective

SALURBAL has four aims:

Identify city and neighborhood drivers of health and health inequalities among and within cities

Evaluate health, environmental and equity impact of policies and interventions

Employ systems-thinking and simulation models to evaluate urban-health-environment links and plausible policy impacts

Engage the scientific community, the public and policy makers to disseminate and translate findings


The SALURBAL project compiles pre-existing data on demographics, mortality, health and risk factors, social and built environment from Latin American cities, countries, and regional institutions. These data are analyzed to reveal the ways in which Latin America urban environments are associated with various health or environmental outcomes. 

Project duration

5 years

Publications related

Provide reference and link to publication.

Carvajal G, Sarmiento OL, Medaglia A, Cabrales S, Rodríguez D, Quistberg A, López S. Bicycle safety in Bogotá: A seven-year analysis of bicyclists’ collisions and fatalities, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 144, 2020,105596, ISSN 0001-4575.


Pineo, H., Audia, C., Black, D. et al. Building a Methodological Foundation for Impactful Urban Planetary Health Science. J Urban Health (2020).


Henson R, Ortigoza A, Martínez K, Baeza F, Caiaffa W, Vives Vergara A, Diez Roux A, Lovasi G. Evaluating the health effects of place-based slum upgrading physical environment interventions: A systematic review (2012-2018), Social Science & Medicine, 2020, 113102, ISSN 0277-9536.!


Huertas J, Palacio A, Botero M, Carvajal G, van Laake T, Higuera-Mendieta D, Cabrales S, Guzman L, Sarmiento OL, Medaglia A. Level of traffic stress-based classification: A clustering approach for Bogotá, Colombia, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 85, 2020, 102420, ISSN 1361-9209,


Lein A, Indvik K, Braslow J, Rollins H, Cortinez-O’Ryan A, Frenz P, Caiaffa W, Diez Roux A. (2020) Health as a driver for urban policy in Latin America: a scoping review of literature from international organizations. Cities & Health. DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2020.1757371


Bilal U, Alazraqui M, Caiaffa W, Lopez-Olmedo N, Martinez-Folgar K, Miranda J, Rodriguez D, Vives A, Diez-Roux AV. Inequalities in life expectancy in six large Latin American cities from the SALURBAL study: an ecological analysis. Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3: e503–10


Pérez-Ferrer, C., Auchincloss, A., De Menezes, M., Kroker-Lobos, M., Cardoso, L., & Barrientos-Gutierrez, T. (2019). The food environment in Latin America: A systematic review with a focus on environments relevant to obesity and related chronic diseases. Public Health Nutrition, 22(18), 3447-3464. doi:10.1017/S1368980019002891


Langellier B, Kuhlberg J, Ballard E, Slesinski C, Stankov I, Gouveia N, Meisel J, Kroker-Lobos MF, Sarmiento OL, Caiaffa W, Diez Roux A. Using community-based system dynamics modeling to understand the complex systems that influence health in cities: The SALURBAL study, Health & Place, Volume 60, 2019, 102215, ISSN 1353-8292,


Diez Roux, A. V., Slesinski, S. C., Alazraqui, M., Caiaffa, W. T., Frenz, P., Fuchs, R. J., Miranda, J. J., Rodriguez, D. A., Dueñas, O. L. S., Siri, J., Vergara, A. V. Novel International Partnership for Actionable Evidence on Urban Health in Latin America: LAC-Urban Health and SALURBAL. Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800013.

Quistberg DA, Diez Roux AV, Bilal U, et al. Building a Data Platform for Cross-Country Urban Health Studies: the SALURBAL Study. J Urban Health. 2019;96(2):311-337. doi:10.1007/s11524-018-00326-0


Support materials

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Educational material or any other material you wish to publish

Policy briefs (available in English and Spanish):


Knowledge to Policy Translation for Urban Health: Lessons from Latin American Cities 

Health in All Urban Policies: Lessons from Latin American Cities

Planning Health Evaluations of Housing and Neighborhood Interventions: Lessons from Latin America​

Food and Urban Health: Lessons from Latin America

Sustainable Transport and Urban Health: Lessons from Latin America