Ana Lucía Peralta

Academic degrees


Medical Doctor, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Master in Public Health with focus in Epidemiology, Universidad Rafael Landívar

Current position at CIIPEC

Research assistant and field coordinator

Professional experience and areas of expertise

Dr. Peralta is a medical doctor who has worked in primary healthcare with vulnerable populations, both in urban and rural settings of Guatemala. She worked as medical director of a non governmental organization located at Tecpan, Chimaltenango, where she provided medical attention and implemented health preventive programs within the communities, while establishing partnerships with local and foreign universities, government institutions and other non governmental organizations.

She has experience developing, implementing and evaluating community-based health interventions. She currently collaborates on the project entitled “Implementing a Multicomponent Intervention to improve Hypertension Control in Guatemala”, carried out by CIIPEC along with Tulane University and Colorado School of Public Health in the US, the Centre of Excellence in Cardiovascular Health in Argentina, and the Ministry of Health of Guatemala.

Her interests on research focus on epidemiology of NCDs, Implementation Science and health inequities.